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40-Day Sadhana: Mornings in Mantra - The Gayatri Mantra

Wed, Mar 02



Another incredible 40-day experience, immersed in Sangha (community) and rooted in Sadhana (daily spiritual practice) for ~30 minutes each morning, chanting the Gayatri mantra with Trinati + sitting in guided meditation with fellow guide, Elizabeth Piazza, tuning in from Sonoma, California.

40-Day Sadhana: Mornings in Mantra - The Gayatri Mantra
40-Day Sadhana: Mornings in Mantra - The Gayatri Mantra

Time & Location

Mar 02, 2022, 5:45 a.m. – Apr 10, 2022, 5:45 a.m.


About the event

Creating a strong sadhana (daily spiritual practice), rooted in gratitude, breath + meditation, leads to living a life from an authentic, grounded space; a place within that is awake, aware + prepared for life's daily challenges + experiences.

When we come together as a sangha (community) each morning, meeting through the zoom portal, (or later at a more convenient time for individual lifestyles + schedules), it encourages us all to remain accountable + disciplined. This could very well be the most powerful aspect of this offering. For this 40-day offering we will be chanting the Gayatri mantra. It is one of, if not the most recited mantras worldwide, and holds undeniable power. If you would like to join, but do not know the Gayatri mantra yet, it is a wonderful way to learn it, to keep with you for life. 

We will use the start of each day to set the tone for the rest of it. 

We will gather in the stillness of the morning, before our families or responsibilities call for us, to tune into the deepest parts of ourselves, activating our authenticity; our truest self.

The dedication to a sadhana provides the foundation for a life lived in consciousness + reverence.

Joining this practice will transform your world. 

To create any meaningful change, we must do so first from within...then witness the world surrounding begin to shift to meet our new way of being. Imagine as these changes ripple out to inspire more change. The power of this practice is truly transformative.

Join us. Give yourself this gift. Give the world this prayer.


  • 40-Day Gayatri Gift

    +CA$2.70 service fee
    Sale ended



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